Student Website Assistance

Student Website Assistance

Student Web Space Information

  • Every student is automatically assigned 500 megabytes of space on the "MyWeb" Server to create a personal student website.
  • Your website URL address is user name)
  • Dreamweaver tutorials are located on this page by scrolling down. This includes instruction for installing Dreamweaver on your computer.

What Students Need to Proceed

  • You will need to know your HuskyID and password to set up and publish files. These are the same as the ones you use to log into computer lab computers.
  • If you need assistance with your HuskyID and password, visit the support page.

Student Clubs and Organizations

  • Student clubs and organizations are listed in HuskySync, via the Center for Leadership & Engagement.
  • Club or organization officers may create websites and post events on a campus community calendar, create forms polls. Direct questions to
    Please consult your faculty advisor before developing a club or organization website.

Husky Sync

Assistance for Departmental and Organizational Websites

  • If you are a student employee and have been requested to assist with a departmental or organizational web page, please note: Requests for departmental or organizational sites must be made by the Faculty/Staff Advisor! Request must include the name desired for departmental or organizational web.
  • Faculty/staff advisors will need to enter a request for web space as described on the Faculty/Staff web support page.

Dreamweaver Tutorials

You will need Adobe Dreamweaver installed on your computer.

Installing Creative Cloud (Dreamweaver) on your Computer