Teaching and Learning

Department of Teaching and Learning

Teachers have an impactful role in the life of a developing child through mentoring, advocating and fostering learning. And as the child learner develops, the teacher continues to be a big influence in the classroom as a role model and support mechanism.

Through the College of Education's Conceptual Framework vision, the Department of Teaching and Learning develops education majors into responsible educators who provide a safe, caring and effective classroom environment for their future students. It also provides teacher candidates with a strong foundation of research-proven teaching methods in specific subject and discipline areas to effectively prepare their future students for the next step of their lives.

Undergraduate Programs


Certificate Programs

(*) Both the Child Life Minor and the Child Life Certificate programs meet the Association of Child Life Professionals curriculum standards and eligibility requirements necessary to obtain the Certified Child Life Specialist credential.

Graduate Programs of Study


Teaching and Learning

Department Chairperson
    Todd Hoover | 570-389-5376
Department Secretary
    Stacey Starmack | 570-389-4032

Ed. Services and Certification
    Stephanie Bissinger | 570-389-4007

Teaching and Learning
2221 McCormick Center
Phone: 570-389-4955
Fax: 570-389-3848



STEM Adventure Camps

An adventurous path to their own classroom

Emily Haskell saw a clear picture of her future as a teacher develop this summer. Nikita Loreman did as well. In fact, they discovered it together, sharing a classroom as part of Bloomsburg University’s Great STEM Adventure Camps that hosted more than 550 students from area schools. Soon the two education majors will have a classroom of their own.

“My favorite part was seeing how the students take the task and make it their own in ways that I did not anticipate,” said Haskell, who is pursuing a master’s in mid-level education, adding her favorite activity was the Game Design Challenge. “I honestly did not know what the students would do with the random materials they were given. They devised some really clever games together I never would have dreamed up myself.”