How you can help through CEES

BloomU BAHS and EGGS students join community members in cleaning up Kocher Park - Fall 2013

How you can help through CEES

The best way to help is to educate yourself and then take action!

  • Find out what's happening in your department and look for opportunities to participate. Not much going on? Start a group, and then let CEES know!
  • Sign up for one of the courses that will help you connect your major to the environment.
  • Look for opportunities to join, volunteer for, or do an internship with one of the many environmental organizations on campus and in the region. Students have helped with on-campus sustainability measures, local stream bank erosion control and stream rehabilitation, outreach for conservation districts--the possibilities are nearly endless!
  • Seek out professors who are doing interesting research and see if they're taking new students. You may be able to help assess how well an Acid Mine Drainage treatment system is working, study the impact of different composting techniques on soil health, find out how people living near shale gas wells perceive risks and benefits of drilling, and more!